Nonprofit Amore

AngelPay and Nonprofits Are Good TogetherAmore: Love; a Feeling of Great Affection. That’s the dictionary definition of “Amore”. It also captures our feelings for the nonprofit community, which is why we allow verified charitable (501c3 and non-U.S. equivalents) nonprofit organizations to join the AngelPay Foundation based on a “Pay What You Can” membership fee structure. No games or gimmicks. If your organization needs payment processing services, simply visit our Join Us page and use the simple calculator to see AngelPay’s break-even cost, then determine how much (or how little) your organization can contribute as a nonprofit Member of the AngelPay Foundation.

The Difference Between Selling to Nonprofits & Being a Nonprofit. Many for-profit merchant service and payment processing companies sell their services to nonprofit organizations. These service providers often claim that their “nonprofit programs” are something special for the nonprofit community. Sadly, one of the dark secrets of the payment processing industry is that many nonprofit organizations are either not sophisticated enough or too poorly staffed to see how for-profit service providers are ripping them off. We have been disgusted with this problem for many years, which is one of the most significant reasons why we launched the truly nonprofit AngelPay Foundation.

Next Steps: If your organization intends to use any of AngelPay’s payment processing services and you have already visited the Dues Calculator page, then the next step is to submit a Member Application to help us understand your payment processing needs. Upon approval, we will contact you to recommend the best solution for your needs.